Time Off Tracking


Keep your time tracked with UnitekTIME Time & Expense Tracking software!

Track My Time


UNItekTIME’s time off tracking feature is much more than just a utility to the organization, it allows managers and supervisors to create a perfect time tracking system within their subordinates. The manager can schedule the time-off for employees in advance and manage accruals accordingly. As you may already know Unitek has a lot of concern for your organizational values and because of that UNItekTIME is designed to be flexible, meaning it can adopt to your organizational policies. Time-off policies for individual employee or a group of employees can be setup through UNItekTIME as well.


Managerial Assistance


The three most basic managerial responsibilities are to plan, execute and control and to take control is significantly important as it determines if the execution will be according to plan or not. Time-off tracking gives you that control over your organization’s most valuable resources and make their life easier by scheduling their time-offs in advance with their managers. The time off tracking is fully packed with operational efficiency like sending the remaining balances forward to the next period and giving notifications and reminders for certain approvals to be given and confirmations.

Tracking the time of an employee can identify a major source of ineffectiveness in certain projects and as they say the first step to solving any problem is identifying it. You can monitor the time-offs of an employee and if they are out of bounds and are resulting in delay of projects you can than start the controlling process where you define the specified time off policies either overall, individual or for a group of employee so that you can direct their productivity on the ongoing projects inside the organization in order to achieve the optimal level of efficiency.


Time-Off Tracking Features


Time Off Accruals


Customize time-off policies in order to allocate accruals/ earnings based on each month, year and anniversary date etc.

Reset or Carry Forwards


You can either reset the balances to new or carry them forward from the previous to current period.

Customized Approval Path


You can define custom approval paths according to your organization’s hierarchical structure and request for approval for a time-off through that specified approval path. It saves you the hassle of individually attaining approvals from multiple authorities.

Email Notifications/Reminders


It will remind the manager in regard to their pending approvals.

Customized Reports


Detailed and summarized timesheet reports are available with all possible filters. You can create reports and also customize previous ones.